
monarchy - around the sun

haven't posted about these guys in a long time, but monarchy's album, around the sun was finally released today. it'sa collection of 70's funk, mixed with spacey electronics and new wave pop. and the almost melodramatic vocals actually give some heft to the instrumentals, which might otherwise sound derivative of those older styles. (by now you must know how much i love new things that sound 30 years old.)

highly recommended. buy this.

the failure of not waiting out anticipation: last year, i'd downloaded what was labeled as the monarchy album...and it was, indeed a collection of their recordings, but the collection as a whole just wasn't as good as many of the songs that were on it. it kind of discouraged me about them, even though i really, really like so many of their songs.

but whatever i downloaded last year, didn't end up being their album, after all. and the collection that came out today restores my faith.

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