
captain america

marvel's blockbuster lackluster summer continues. captain america, starring the ever beautiful chris evans, has an interesting origin story which can be told in less than two sentences*, but carries on far too long. his introductory feats of superheroism, running through 1940's brooklyn NY, wasn't very inspiring, and was soon followed by what looked like a series of great action scenes, mushed into a 2 minute montage. so, long and overexplainy backstory; then action that flashes before one's eyes in two minutes or less.

the hydra technology was the same kmart blue feathery laser stuff we see in every action movie featuring radioactive stuff that causes people to morph. (you are already accurately imagining it in your mind...yeah, that effect again.)

fortunately, hugo weaving ripped off his human skin mask, and gave the movie something to watch. oh wait, during the origin section, stanley tucci...he was worth watching, too. oh, and dominic cooper...so watchable, from start to finish (looking forward to seeing him in the devil's double.

by the end, i walked away thinking, it was something less than interesting. but not boring.


Taken at AMC Fashion Valley 18

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green eggs and spam


Taken at San Diego Comic Con Ballroom 5ab

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the best burgers!

Taken at MIHO Gastrotruck South Park

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monarchy - around the sun

haven't posted about these guys in a long time, but monarchy's album, around the sun was finally released today. it'sa collection of 70's funk, mixed with spacey electronics and new wave pop. and the almost melodramatic vocals actually give some heft to the instrumentals, which might otherwise sound derivative of those older styles. (by now you must know how much i love new things that sound 30 years old.)

highly recommended. buy this.

the failure of not waiting out anticipation: last year, i'd downloaded what was labeled as the monarchy album...and it was, indeed a collection of their recordings, but the collection as a whole just wasn't as good as many of the songs that were on it. it kind of discouraged me about them, even though i really, really like so many of their songs.

but whatever i downloaded last year, didn't end up being their album, after all. and the collection that came out today restores my faith.


prayed the gay away...it stayed

sometimes i wonder how i got so lucky, that i didn't get dragged into the despair that so many others did. but, as my aspen friend said, the important thing is, i didn't.


i've never watched THE THING (1982) before, but catching 20 mins or so, it looks real good

odds and ends

odds and ends

  • FX has a new show, wilfred, about a guy (elijah wood) who talks to / consults with his neighbor's dog about life...while trying to flirt his way into the neighbor's eye, fairly disasterously. i've seen only one episode, but it was very, very good. looking forward to more.
  • my haircutterbarberstylistwhatdoyoucallhim was complaining to me yesterday (not whining) about how he's having to assume more and more of the business of his shop, and will be cutting down on the number of clients he works with directly. he says i'm on his keep list, but will be weeding off those who don't tip well enough. he then gave me examples of good tippers: guys who come in and hand over $40 for a $23 cut (with no shampoo), or pay him $50 for full service.
    me, i give the guy a $5 tip and think i'm being generous.
    this sort of complaining makes me think i might go elsewhere.
  • i used the phrase, "this infuriates me" at work yesterday. to my boss. out loud. regarding something the boss asked me to do. age does have its perks.
  • just popped a bag of popcorn in the breakroom microwave; a coworker was somewhat surprised, as he'd never considered that one could purchase microwave popcorn from the vending machine, and cook it in the same room. he's a fairly intelligent person, from what i know of him...so, i really don't know how this was a novel concept to him.
  • last weekend was a tv marathon of the lord of the ring movies, of which, only the second i had seen in the theater; this weekend is a harry potter marathon, of which i've only seen the last three installments. how is it these two series have pretty much passed me by?
  • don't forget, i'm on facebook, too.

blondie live session

blondie in a live session, doing some of their hits, new stuff, and a cover of the beatles, "please please me", which is pretty awesome.


yes, i think i can!

i'm not always the biggest fan of this show, but this particular routine is my favorite of all time. (unfortunately, it was good enough to get this couple in the bottom three this week.)


tree of life

this kid scared me like my oldest brother scares me

i read that this movie, the tree of life, was getting a love-it-or-hate-it reception everywhere, which always pops a flag in my head that "i wanna see that movie!" surely i'm not the only one who thinks that...right?

then i read some comparisons to 2001: a space oddysey, which probably ranks as my favorite movie of all time. again, "i wanna see that movie!"
i knew better than to drag the husband to see it. and glad i didn't. because i liked it... i liked it a lot. which generally means, he wouldn't.

first, the 2001 comparisons: i can see where these come from, but they aren't warranted. nor was the protracted visualization of the evolution of planet earth, from where those comparisons sprang up. middle-aged men all over the planet have guilt and / or regrets of childhood nastiness (even those destined for sociopathy, yet somehow gain successful careers in architecture, allowing them to work in the world's most beautiful office building)...so, working out the coming-to-peace process doesn't really mean one has to work out how asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs. no matter how impressive the CGI.

but i digress. and that's my point. way, WAY too much background to tell an already compelling family story. and the last several minutes of that coming-to-peace...well, my impression was that of the director and editor going through the several angles of the same scene, loving every bit of it, and so, deciding to keep every bit of it, even if it became very repetitive.
but wait, didn't i say i LIKED this movie? indeed, i did like it. the parts i didn't find necessary, along with the parts i thought fit in quite naturally, were still visually compelling. i would absolutely see tree of life again. but don't wait for the DVD, because this is one of those movies from which you will easily become distracted (more visuals than dialogue, etc.), so the home viewer may never actually finish the movie.


peter murphy - i spit roses

it's been fairly forever since i heard anything from peter murphy. well, since "cuts you up", which was over 20 years ago.

i like this well enough to go on a youtube hunt now to find out what i've missed in the past couple of decades...