just this and that from today...
- working at a different office, 100 miles from home, this week.
- going around saying hi to folks i work with on instant messenger and the phone; fully half don't recognize by name, i have to tell them how we know each other.
- chit-chatted with a guy i was in a 2-month training with a year ago, and whom i talk to almost weekly. after mentioning my great weight loss, he says to me as i'm walking away, "nice to meet you."
- hotel living: missing the husband and the monsters.
- on the news, anthony weiner's "weinergate" admission / press conference: commentators complain that this story gets too much coverage while devoting their full program's time to covering this story.
- hotel living: i hate touching any switch or button or knob in this room.
- hotel living: this bed and pillows give me a neckache.
- hotel living: at least i was bored enough to go out for a jog tonight.
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