
blue valentine

this poster does not represent 
the movie accurately
what is it that makes ryan gosling so charismatic? even for someone who often finds monochromatic people to be...bland, mr gosling has significant appeal.

so, then, blue valentine is consistently watchable, somehow, while seeming not to attempt to engage the audience directly. we see the evolution of a relationship, starting with where it is today, and using flashbacks to show how we got here (not to mention a glimpse of "the future").

it's well done, with lots of grainy, hand-held cinematography, and fairly believable dialogue and situations. one wishes that the label "hipster" was never invented, though, because it's difficult to block that word from one's mind while watching these kids in their initial dating phase, what with the thrift store wardrobe and ukelele-tap dance performance.

on the way home, the husband and i wondered why ryan's character was so put upon, but we came to the conclusion that he wasn't exactly an innocent victim.

and don't base your impression on the poster...it totally misrepresents what the movie is.

anyway. michelle williams blah blah blah, but RYAN GOSLING.

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